Thursday, August 27, 2009


"Sometimes some decision made you popular
sometimes some decision made you unpopular
think about it"

i will remember these words
i do not need popularity
i do not need to be famous
i really need proper friends
i now look up to myself who stood by my own decision
i need pretty well excellent results
not populairty
i do not need to know everyone in the corridor
i do not need to know everyone and say hi to everyone who pass by me
friends are person who pass by my life and draw something in the book of life
some friends just draw something and its the time to say bye
some friends are meant to be there by your side and know everything about your book of life

and i need the second
not the 1st

the one which the most friends
is the one which have plenty of friends that know you the most and understand you the most
and even be by your side whenever things happen. They know the right thing to say, they support the decision you made and do not question why. They appreciate every time we have every single second

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