Monday, August 17, 2009


I feel like writing something sentimental

Rainbow in heart
glowing in the dark
trying to shine
to overcome the dark
evil darkness overwhelmed
control the bright blue clouds
rainbow stares
without anything
rainbow tries and tries
fail to the mission
fade away
as darkness became
more and more controlled
People laugh
People cry
People gossips
rainbow just
have something to say but nothing came out
just because
rainbow knows that this is the right decision
for herself
to pick up her colours again
else where
where darkness doesn't bother her anymore

rainbow smiles
rainbow laughs
rainbow matured
rainbow slowly have her colours on
although is not that strong anymore as the past
but she still shines and glows
at least she can now manage to shine her own self out of darkness
and by the time she really stands up
she wil shine other people with her colours and bring them out of their darkness too

rainbow knows something
that will change
something that will not change

It is her
that will not change
she will still be shining
just that the timing change
that she should not be shining at all
the timing is right again
she will shine maybe more beautiful than before

she also learn that
if old things did not past
when will the new experience comes
she shall shine for her own lives

Her live should be full of colours and
rainbow can assure herself that
she will shine
she will
better than ever

she shall shine
till the last breathe of hers
and rainbow can do it
without caring what people says
rainbow will always be rainbow
with 7 beautiful and magnificent colours
that can brings happiness to people
that she love

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