Saturday, February 14, 2009

Chinese New Year 2

Its new year but day 2
Wake up at 8am
so earlyso ok loh
walk back to the house
hot like hell
then start gambling....
u know lah
sure gamble de during chinese new year
very hot man
my grandma has 5 daughters and 2 sons
all of them are back in the small house.
so pack
grandma has 27 grandchildren
included me lah
then we have lunch
the kitchen there not enough place
cause that side already
have 3 big tables
and we kids
have to eat in the living room
means we have 4 tables...
after that my grandma's frens or relatives
came i also dun noe them
then the small house is even pack
the air for breathing also not enough ad

then we went to my aunt's house

to continue our mission: GAMBLING

as we will have dinner in her house also

so we go loh

then i saw a cute creature....

this is it.
although it looks like audrey's chocolate
she is super excited leh
when she sees me
u know lah
i damn scared de
then she juz chased me
i was standing on the sofa
still gambling
standing on the sofa.....
memang lucuh betul.......

I know she is superb cute...
dont u dare to remind me
i know she is cute
i know lah
of course
but i still scared.....

did not sleep leh the second day
they say
u 1 year only come back once
play with us lah
so they continue to gamble...
till 3 am
they cant let me go...
so another sleepless night....

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