Sunday, September 13, 2009


Again I am here to write down the whole feeling of being sick
Can't do everything well as i usually does

although this is bad enough
but i am still quite impressed that
i can still finished up the whole basket of calculus homework
in this bad condition of mine

take care
is the word that i always said to others
and now i am getting it back again
such impresive
don't u think so?

Health is really something that really matters to me now
more than any other things in the world

I really hate to be sick but what to do
i am only human
not any super heroes
that can be strong all the time

I am made of flesh and blood
and not metals and screws
so i also have some limitations
that my body need to be following

I can't really think clearly at the moment
I can't really speak clearly now
I can't really breathe and taste food well

Oh God
I hate this moment very much

What to do now?
go sleep again??
I spend most of my time sleeping today
I am tired of sleeping now

Being sick is so tiring and this will kill me eventually

1 comment:

  1. hey...take care urself ar...
    as wat u told me when I sick...
    drink more water la~
