Monday, September 14, 2009


I now feel the super sickness here
I am totally useless when i encounter the god of sickness
I am dead

When all the people are sick then i am not
When people are no longer sick then i am now sick
what an odd person
thats what jill said to me today

so sad
sick alone here

Hard to even concentrate in class
keep having severe migraine
almost knock my head on the wall
just to get rid of the pain

i cannot even breathe properly
like normal people does
maybe i do breathe normally just that i felt different thats all

Hate to be sick
sick made me feels and actually becoming dumb
how can i forget where did i chuck my calculus text book
luckily it is safely in the locker
but i cant do my homework today
sadly i came back home
have a cup of nice tea

i feel like my whole body craved for starbucks - Green Tea Latte
Oh god
i want it now

so desperately wanted it

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