Wednesday, December 30, 2009


It is again almost the end of this wonderful 2009
It seems like i had just finished the post for 2008
but no one can really deny that time flies.

If you ask me to describe this whole year in one single word
The answer will be

one single word
would be exciting
to be more accurate
it would be

I had gone through a roller coaster year~~

As people always say
Life is full of obstacles
Life always has its own ups and downs

but for me
this year is really full of ups and downs

there are time where everything are very sad and painful
even the rice will taste bitter as what the heart feels
on the other hand
there are time where everything are in a way that is positive
even the air smells nicer and fresher

I think some of them know that
things do happen sometime
in a way that no one wants it to happen this way
but it had already happen
so why not just
take what is left and move on

A lot of things do happen this year
I think I am now stronger
due to what had happen
the downfall and the building up again
slowly and bit by bit
with the help of other real and true friends
I am here
standing here
firmly and strongly
with my own effort
and the help of others

I am now stronger
now physically
but mentally and spiritually

Not everyone will notice them
but I myself do
know that actually who am I
after all these
I am also thankful for others for the memories and the experiences
sad or happy

It build me up
This is what am I now
The me here
stronger than ever

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