I am so busy
Life is so so so so busy
I am really lack of motivation now
so what should i do
as usual??
DO I have a better choice?
I dun think so
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
I am here very frustrated
Homework is plenty here
I cant even really manage the time for work and study
I really have no time to breathe now
Stress is here
following me so closely
I am waiting
for the tears to drop
waiting for the flame burst into flame
Homework is plenty here
I cant even really manage the time for work and study
I really have no time to breathe now
Stress is here
following me so closely
I am waiting
for the tears to drop
waiting for the flame burst into flame
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Feel Different
Friday went to class as usual
so tiring
finished class at 12.30pm
stay and discussed the homework given by ms Chris in college till 3.30pm
but going back at 5 something
so i have free time
so thinking of going straight to KLCC
to get some freshness
i am with people who are rushing to work
who are rushing to school
everyone around me is rushing
maybe i should go somewhere where people is not rushing
but walking peacefully
so i decided to go there
i thought that no one will shop there with fast paced right?
and i am so hungry and thinking of having ramen
actually i dun feel like eating at all
but i haven had anything into the stomach since thursday nite
so it was kind of a disaster for my stomach
i am so sorry for it
went into putra lrt
the lrt went so so so slow
then it was struck at kampung baru
it really cant move at all
the driver was here
to drive the train manually
oh god
thats wat i think
and the train keep moving backwards
this is not gonna be good
thats wat my heart says
backwards and backwards
but luckily
i reach there safely
and went straight to
my love store
my god
this is such a reward for myself
after real hardwork
taste the same
oh god
this is real good
need to went back ad
manage to walk into
Converse, Billabong, Reef, Roxy
i think thats all
how can
i am not really satisfy
Friday, September 25, 2009
Everything is in a row.....
I wanna breathe
I need to breathe
I need to cry
for real
if not
keep following me
and there will be no more 3 post per day
shall call someone to talk to now
Kena Tagged again!
****---- 個 人 題 - 10 題 ----****
01 你叫什么:Cherry
02 你的綽號:HuiChiTan, Tomato, Chilli, HuiChiChi........
03 你的血型:Dun noe
04 你的星座:Leo
05 你是男還是女?: LOL......go check my birth cerificate lah
06 你幾歲:This is the secret of every female lah..Opps....terbongkar liao
07 你住哪裡:House lah
08 你現在的學校 :HELP
09 你有沒有手機 :LOL...erm...who does not have??
10 承上,那是多少:LOL...??dun understand
****---- 朋 友 題 - 10 題 ----****
11 你最要好的朋友(限1個): My Soul Mate lah
12 你最討厭的人(限1個):Erm.....secret lah weih
13 你最正的女性朋友(限1個): Everyone has their own good and most beautiful part rite??
14 你最帥的男性朋友(限1個): Erm....no gua
15 什麼樣的女生你最討厭:心机重、自以为是、利用别人
16 什麼樣的男生你最討厭:说话不经过头脑,说了过后再道歉,自以为伟大
17 你的好朋友有誰(不限): Soul Mate, Audrey, Yen Yee, Terence (counted gua) and some college frens
18 你經常和哪位朋友出去:Soul Mate la
19 你身邊最憨的朋友(限1個,不能自己): Means??
20 你身邊最可愛的朋友(限1個): Haha..me loh
****----感 情 題 - 15 題 -------****
21 你有沒有喜歡的人: NO!
23 如果没有,你希望什麼時候有另一半:顺其自然
24 到目前為止,你跟多少人告白過: NO!
25 到目前為止,你被多少人告白過:NO!
26 到目前為止,你交過多少個男/女朋有: no!
27 你現在有另一半嗎: LoL...single is the best at the moment
28 你最好的同性朋友跟你告白你會怎樣:Biasa liao lah
29 你初戀情人突然跟你告白你會接受嗎 :Feelings is the most essential part..see how 1st
30 你為什麼會喜歡你現在喜歡的人: NO loh
31 你和另一半牽手過嗎:No
32 你的另一半抱或親過嗎: No
33 你跟異性牽手過嗎:Yes, plenty lah
34 是誰,你們什麼關係: Friend...lah
35 現在有人在追你嗎:Dunno..most probably not
****---- 混 合 題 - 10 題 ----****
36 如果有天,好朋友離你而去,你會怎樣:再见还是朋友吧!
37 如果有天,好朋友背叛你,你會:看什么情况
38 如果有天,好朋友對你喜新厭舊了,你會:哈哈!他自然有它的自由我也可以交新朋友的啊
39 如果你很受不了你的父母,你會離家出走嗎:在对的时候
40 你上課認真嗎 : 非常,可以问问我的朋友啊
41 你功課好不好: 过得去吧不过还不是很满意
42 你开电腦都在幹麻:Blog, Facebook, Reading.....
43 你的即时通有多少个同性: LOL..who got so much time to count
44 你的即時通裡有多少個異性:Haiz...wu liao meh
****---- 兇 手 題 - 1 0 題 ----****
45 傳給你這份問卷的人是誰:Sin Yi and Christina
46 这個人對你好不好:当然很好啊!
47 這個人是你的誰:朋友
48 你有喜歡過這個人嗎: 朋友自间当然有爱的啦
49 你們認識多久了:哈哈!半年吧!
50 這個人是怎樣的人:很好的人,很好的朋友
51 這個人正/帥嗎:当然!
52 這個人跟你有沒有在一起过: 不是常常可是还好
53 萬一你喜歡這個人,你會怎麼办: 谁会不喜欢自己的朋友的
****----- 聯 想 題 - 10 題---****
56 說到正妹你會想到誰:不知道
57 說到帥哥你會想到誰:沈昌珉!
58 說到憨你會想到誰:mean??
59 說到痴你會想到誰:哈哈!
60 說到暗戀你會想到誰:一个人
61 說到出去玩你會想到誰:朋友啊!
62 說到聰明鬼你會想到誰:哈哈!很多
63 說到傻子你會想到誰: Terence
64 說到笑點低你會想到誰 : Ron, Edwin, Sin yi.......
65 說到愛笑你會想到誰 : Haha....me lah
****----- 學 校 題 - 1 1 題 -----****
66 你的班導是誰: Now college no form tcher wo...
67 你的座位是第幾排第幾個:Normally 1st row
68 你最喜歡的老師是誰:Ms Selinar & Mr Alex
70 你的英文好嗎: Ok la.....
71 你的體育好嗎:NO
72 你的数学好么:Haha..no need to say de la
73 你喜不喜歡你的校長:Dunno who...
74 你的學校好看嗎:OK lor...
75 你的班級是:No
76 你的班級在幾樓:Hell....underground
****---- 個 人 題 - 10 題 ----****
01 你叫什么:Cherry
02 你的綽號:HuiChiTan, Tomato, Chilli, HuiChiChi........
03 你的血型:Dun noe
04 你的星座:Leo
05 你是男還是女?: LOL......go check my birth cerificate lah
06 你幾歲:This is the secret of every female lah..Opps....terbongkar liao
07 你住哪裡:House lah
08 你現在的學校 :HELP
09 你有沒有手機 :LOL...erm...who does not have??
10 承上,那是多少:LOL...??dun understand
****---- 朋 友 題 - 10 題 ----****
11 你最要好的朋友(限1個): My Soul Mate lah
12 你最討厭的人(限1個):Erm.....secret lah weih
13 你最正的女性朋友(限1個): Everyone has their own good and most beautiful part rite??
14 你最帥的男性朋友(限1個): Erm....no gua
15 什麼樣的女生你最討厭:心机重、自以为是、利用别人
16 什麼樣的男生你最討厭:说话不经过头脑,说了过后再道歉,自以为伟大
17 你的好朋友有誰(不限): Soul Mate, Audrey, Yen Yee, Terence (counted gua) and some college frens
18 你經常和哪位朋友出去:Soul Mate la
19 你身邊最憨的朋友(限1個,不能自己): Means??
20 你身邊最可愛的朋友(限1個): Haha..me loh
****----感 情 題 - 15 題 -------****
21 你有沒有喜歡的人: NO!
23 如果没有,你希望什麼時候有另一半:顺其自然
24 到目前為止,你跟多少人告白過: NO!
25 到目前為止,你被多少人告白過:NO!
26 到目前為止,你交過多少個男/女朋有: no!
27 你現在有另一半嗎: LoL...single is the best at the moment
28 你最好的同性朋友跟你告白你會怎樣:Biasa liao lah
29 你初戀情人突然跟你告白你會接受嗎 :Feelings is the most essential part..see how 1st
30 你為什麼會喜歡你現在喜歡的人: NO loh
31 你和另一半牽手過嗎:No
32 你的另一半抱或親過嗎: No
33 你跟異性牽手過嗎:Yes, plenty lah
34 是誰,你們什麼關係: Friend...lah
35 現在有人在追你嗎:Dunno..most probably not
****---- 混 合 題 - 10 題 ----****
36 如果有天,好朋友離你而去,你會怎樣:再见还是朋友吧!
37 如果有天,好朋友背叛你,你會:看什么情况
38 如果有天,好朋友對你喜新厭舊了,你會:哈哈!他自然有它的自由我也可以交新朋友的啊
39 如果你很受不了你的父母,你會離家出走嗎:在对的时候
40 你上課認真嗎 : 非常,可以问问我的朋友啊
41 你功課好不好: 过得去吧不过还不是很满意
42 你开电腦都在幹麻:Blog, Facebook, Reading.....
43 你的即时通有多少个同性: LOL..who got so much time to count
44 你的即時通裡有多少個異性:Haiz...wu liao meh
****---- 兇 手 題 - 1 0 題 ----****
45 傳給你這份問卷的人是誰:Sin Yi and Christina
46 这個人對你好不好:当然很好啊!
47 這個人是你的誰:朋友
48 你有喜歡過這個人嗎: 朋友自间当然有爱的啦
49 你們認識多久了:哈哈!半年吧!
50 這個人是怎樣的人:很好的人,很好的朋友
51 這個人正/帥嗎:当然!
52 這個人跟你有沒有在一起过: 不是常常可是还好
53 萬一你喜歡這個人,你會怎麼办: 谁会不喜欢自己的朋友的
****----- 聯 想 題 - 10 題---****
56 說到正妹你會想到誰:不知道
57 說到帥哥你會想到誰:沈昌珉!
58 說到憨你會想到誰:mean??
59 說到痴你會想到誰:哈哈!
60 說到暗戀你會想到誰:一个人
61 說到出去玩你會想到誰:朋友啊!
62 說到聰明鬼你會想到誰:哈哈!很多
63 說到傻子你會想到誰: Terence
64 說到笑點低你會想到誰 : Ron, Edwin, Sin yi.......
65 說到愛笑你會想到誰 : Haha....me lah
****----- 學 校 題 - 1 1 題 -----****
66 你的班導是誰: Now college no form tcher wo...
67 你的座位是第幾排第幾個:Normally 1st row
68 你最喜歡的老師是誰:Ms Selinar & Mr Alex
70 你的英文好嗎: Ok la.....
71 你的體育好嗎:NO
72 你的数学好么:Haha..no need to say de la
73 你喜不喜歡你的校長:Dunno who...
74 你的學校好看嗎:OK lor...
75 你的班級是:No
76 你的班級在幾樓:Hell....underground
1. Yi Theng
2. Audrey
3. Yen Yee
4. Esther
5. Pui Yan
6.Pei Wen
7.Ming Hui
8.Who wanna do??
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Birthday Wishes
To someone that is important
and is 18 today
old ad lah
My Best Friend - Audrey Leow
Give you some picture lah:

that scare me a lot
taking these memorable picture for us
I curi tulang with
during duty
that we became prefect at the same time
Prefect's Gathering
that we are both in
in the class
being forced by teachers
that rarely see each other
made the most precious birthday gift
for me
Something to tell you:
Audrey, I think that is the brief memories that me and you both had. Both of us can be said as close and not close. A lot of things happened in all the years that we knew each other till now. Plenty of things that had happened either there are good or bad but there are all over now. Plenty of words in heart but do not know which and how to write it out and tell you. I really appreciate you as my friend. Thanks for being my friend. Thanks for appearing in my life. Thanks for a lot of things that are too much to be listed down here. Maybe for you I am just a normal friend. As you have many many friends out there that are even closer than me to you. But I really think I am grateful to have you as a Friend in my life. I will never forget every moment that we both had gone through together. Seems that your memories with me are not that much with others but I am glad and happy that I had those memories with me. I hope that we will be the real friend forever. Nothing to say much now. Sorry for the birthday gift that I cant give it to you and also a celebration. Last year's gift is the most memorable one. Maybe you want to take it out and view that again.
Happy Birthday !!!!
Love you always
Sincerely from your friend,
Hui Chi
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
guys can u like juz leave comments in the cbox
juz to prevent that i ignore ur comment
i do not check the comment as frequently as i check my cbox
and the comment words there is so
not that standing out
so i might just
mislook over it
u know rite
human can be quite careless sometimes
so please
leave it at the cbox k??
for all ur cooperation
i will appreciate it very much
I do realise that writing is something very easy to me
every flow through my head and my fingers so smoothly
that I do not feel the control
the words and the points keep flowing out like water
the speed of typing increases as the stream of words came
so naturally
it seems to me now that
i write like no ones business
and writing does not seems hard now anymore
i shall go do my study on micro and CTS
oh god
so many things to read and understand and memorise
limited memories
need to be upgraded
Sitting here alone
at the corridor
thinking of something that i think is totally not important at all
shall start do the whole writing thing soon
before everything spirit has gone
shut up and do ur work now
kind of excited to do the whole research paper thingy
wanted to do the best as usual
for some reason and purpose that i think is selfish
but nevermind
at least i had that fighting spirit burning slowly in my heart
as 1 of the soul fighter's fan
i shall always have the spirit in me always
and never end
at the corridor
thinking of something that i think is totally not important at all
shall start do the whole writing thing soon
before everything spirit has gone
shut up and do ur work now
kind of excited to do the whole research paper thingy
wanted to do the best as usual
for some reason and purpose that i think is selfish
but nevermind
at least i had that fighting spirit burning slowly in my heart
as 1 of the soul fighter's fan
i shall always have the spirit in me always
and never end
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Saw Something today
need to be explain
not to anyone
but to myself

Friendship is something that is very important in my whole life
I can leave anything for all my friends
I can even die for my own friends
I am a person that is very simple in the way that
I just hope that they are happy then I will be happy too
that is the easiest thing ever
I did everything for my own reason
whether is it a bad or a good reason
There will always be a reason behind everything that I did
thats me
Maybe leaving a group of friends seems
unreasonable to some people
but for me
if there is a need to leave
then it will be the best to leave
i agree that that group of friends did bring me lots of laughters
but does laughters really the same as hapiness??
think about this question carefully
for me
it is a no
laughters does not really means hapiness
In life
the main aim is to find hapiness
but not laughters alone
without hapiness
in small conclusion
i laugh alot with them
doe not mean
i am really having fun and hapiness
with all of them
since there is no hapiness involve
then why should i be forced to laugh
at the right time with the wrong mood
and spoil the whole feeling at all
i am really glad that i leave
and found that there is really friends out there
that wanted me to laugh when i am really happy
and made me appreaciate them more
i seldom laugh
because i now know that laughter is actually very precious
and cant waste it for something that are not worth laughing for
i am happy in the sense that
i found myself again
the me with all the good spirit that never dies
that old me that came to HELP college at the very beginning
and be really open to everyone
glad about that
and i learned something too
if i did not went through something
i will not learn something important and
cant buy without money
that is
pick and choose your friend wisely
and do not lost yourself for your friends
just be the same old you
Monday, September 21, 2009
I should not be doing that
i know that
then why am i still
doing this
Oh God
really hate myself for this
i think thats the reason
i hate to have holidays
i hate to be at home
i cant really do anything at home
not to say study
this is really not a very suitable place to say
today shall be the last day of fun
and start to press the accelerator
just hope that
it goes well
I am back at last
from unknown places
my fren did ask why did not see me update my blog
it really seems that
i did not update is something rare to be seen
Friday, September 18, 2009
Thinking of everything are on track and
i have not much time left to enjoy and relax
i feel so sad out of a sudden
tired and frustrated as assignments and quizzes are
just around the corner
and i really hope that i can master everything that i learnt
from week 1 till now
can stay in my head and do well for all these quizzes
so that i can aim higher this time
and tired
so went to sleep yesterday night
early sleeping has becoming a habit now
i shall demolished this habit
and stay up at night to study harder
than everyoen else
needs good results?
work hard is the only and one key
nothing else
i have not much time left to enjoy and relax
i feel so sad out of a sudden
tired and frustrated as assignments and quizzes are
just around the corner
and i really hope that i can master everything that i learnt
from week 1 till now
can stay in my head and do well for all these quizzes
so that i can aim higher this time
and tired
so went to sleep yesterday night
early sleeping has becoming a habit now
i shall demolished this habit
and stay up at night to study harder
than everyoen else
needs good results?
work hard is the only and one key
nothing else
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Met Kah Jun and Jian Hong at KFC
ok loh since my class start at 8
so i sit down and chit chat with them
very lazy to write out the whole detail
so skip to conclusion lah
Kah Jun is lamer and lamer
since i think it is bcz of terence's influence
but Jian Hong say
its because Kah Jun sendiri is lame ad de lah
cant blame
ok acceptable also
Yen Yee's name he also pronounced it wrong as "Yin Yee"
He say why Y. E. N is pronounced as yen??
not yin meh??
what ever..
Kah Jun u win lah
monday is ur HOLIDAY!!!
Train Sucks
Today i do not know what had happened to the stupid LRT
went to tasik selatan as usual at 6 something
then waiting there
eh, y so long got no train?
suppose to have train at this time
then the train comes
i was so shocked when the train is fulled of people
not packed but seats are all occupied
because normally at that time seats are plenty
Ok ok
i tell myself that nevermind lah
the amount of people in 2 train in 1 train is ok lah..can breathe
deng deng deng deng
"Minta Maaf, train ini hanya sampai Chan Sow Lin sahaja, penumpang yang ke laluan Kuala Lumpur sila ke platform 1a dan penumpang ke laluan Ampang sila dapatkan train di platform tengah"
ok i went down at Chan Sow LIn
mouth opened again
so many people
now i know wat happen
there are also amount of 2 train punya people from ampang line there waiting
then luckily the train come
and the amount of 4 train punya people squeeze in loh
and the train did not even on the air-conditioner...haiz fine
deng deng deng deng
"Minta Maaf, train in hanya ke station Bandaraya, penumpang yang ingin ke station Sultan Ismail, PWTC and station berikutnya, sila menaiki bas di bawah station Bandaraya"
what are all these horses doing???
cincai lah
i heard some of the students was saying that
they were all late to school just because of all these stupid things
they waited at Chan Sow Lin from dun noe wat time till 8 something!!!
if me
i will surely killl them weih~~
for real
lousy system lah..
try lah to improve better
if u do not have such a big head
don't lah wear such a big hat
give lah other people who is more capable to incharge
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Reviewed this
i really want to make some assumption here
did my heart qualified to be out of ICU??
did someone catch me??
did my heart not ache anymore
did someone really be by myside and soothe my pain??
look at all these questions??
i myself cant even answer that accurately
everything had changed
my heart
my mind
my soul
time had also changed
The 1st post
Watching the white cabbage (Samuel)
struggle to write his 1st post for his entire life
and also for his human comm's assignment
I really wonder what is his feelings??
and what is mine when i was writing my 1st post on my 1st blog
what is my aim at that time??
what was i thinking at that time??
how and why everything had happened that made me wanted my own blog
i deleted my own first blog and i remembered that it consists of all those
unfavorable memories of mine
that i do not really want to keep track of it
if i did not deleted that blog i would probably have nearly 1000 post by now
the blog was started in form3
i guess
if i am not mistaken
or form2
the past and i threw it away
and now
i have nothing to review back
Monday, September 14, 2009
Book Review - 7
The Time Traveler's Wife
Audrey Niffenegger

Synopsis & Opinions:
The whole story is about two human. One male and one female. The male is named as Henry while the female is named as Clare. This story is mainly about Henry who can time travel to either the past or the future but mostly he went back to the past. They are both married couple and their love story is extraordinary than any other couple. Clare since she was six had knew who she will married and she knows everything about Henry since then. It was something amazing that you can meet your soul mate and know him inside out at the age of six. I can also say that Henry was in Clare's childhood memories and he almost with her and by her side the whole way before they were met in the future. But there is also some disadvantages for the Clare that is at around age 30+ because Henry keep time travel back to her childhood and left her alone in the house worried but she did not actually mind because that was also her best memories ever. Something sad happen in the last part. I hate that ending and it was so hurtful for Clare and their daughter Alba. This is one of the most fascinating stories that I had ever read and maybe you should try reading it also. I kind of envied Clare as she gets to know her other half quite early and have the love story started from small till the point of forever.
Just a normal day as usual
Nothing stir in my heart
everything can be represent as the calmest sea ever in my heart
Maybe i did not pay attention to my heart
and paying more attention to my body health
do not want to talk about that even
i hate to eat food without taste
or you can say i cant even taste anything at all
plus i can only eat limited food - that is only porridge
life is miserable with 3 meals for porridge
Can you imagine you walk into mc donalds
but you can only order their chicken porridge and nothing else
and there is something you cant imagine also
there is no where else that sells porridge except mc donalds
i will recover soon
how soon?
coming soon
finish my critical thinking notes for chapter 2
feel proud of myself
our lecturer walks into chapter 3
have to start and without any place or time to relax
and take a deep breathe
stressful life made me almost walk into insanity
shall write some equation today
Tension 1 = Orang Gilar
I now feel the super sickness here
I am totally useless when i encounter the god of sickness
I am dead
When all the people are sick then i am not
When people are no longer sick then i am now sick
what an odd person
thats what jill said to me today
so sad
sick alone here
Hard to even concentrate in class
keep having severe migraine
almost knock my head on the wall
just to get rid of the pain
i cannot even breathe properly
like normal people does
maybe i do breathe normally just that i felt different thats all
Hate to be sick
sick made me feels and actually becoming dumb
how can i forget where did i chuck my calculus text book
luckily it is safely in the locker
but i cant do my homework today
sadly i came back home
have a cup of nice tea
i feel like my whole body craved for starbucks - Green Tea Latte
Oh god
i want it now
so desperately wanted it
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Again I am here to write down the whole feeling of being sick
Can't do everything well as i usually does
although this is bad enough
but i am still quite impressed that
i can still finished up the whole basket of calculus homework
in this bad condition of mine
take care
is the word that i always said to others
and now i am getting it back again
such impresive
don't u think so?
Health is really something that really matters to me now
more than any other things in the world
I really hate to be sick but what to do
i am only human
not any super heroes
that can be strong all the time
I am made of flesh and blood
and not metals and screws
so i also have some limitations
that my body need to be following
I can't really think clearly at the moment
I can't really speak clearly now
I can't really breathe and taste food well
Oh God
I hate this moment very much
What to do now?
go sleep again??
I spend most of my time sleeping today
I am tired of sleeping now
Being sick is so tiring and this will kill me eventually
Reading all the blog post of everyone, I have different thoughts while reading and different emotions stiring in the bottom of my heart. All these thoughts and feelings are kept inside the heart and do not know how to get rid of it. I think it is weird to have feelings and thoughts while reading people's daily life or feelings written in words. All these is normal for me that this phenomena will happen everyday as i view all the blogs and try to learn something from them or either know what are my friends doing.
Now, i think i lost my purpose on blogging again. I really need to dig that out again so that there is an aim to write and not just blindly writing nonsense.
I am now sick
can say so
Having headache
Having body ache
Having flu
Having fever also (i think lah)
so damn sad
having all these symptoms made me insane
i am thinking of studying on the saturday
but the blood is pumping into my head too much
so i give up and just rest for the whole day
after sleeping and self-healing
i really felt better
and now just left coughing
that is the worst
almost cough the whole heart out
Saturday, September 12, 2009
I myself also can't really figure out
why am i writing
lesser and lesser
this is such and disgrace to me
is it that i am lack of vocabulary to write?
is it that i am so lack of confidence to even write a long passage now?
unknown is the perfect answer to all these questions
Friday, September 11, 2009
really nothing to talk about now
so boring at home
although a whole tons of homework here waiting for me to settle
but really do not feel like doing it now
feel so lazy today
feel like relaxing today
and doing nothing
why i have nothing to say about??
why i have nothing to say about??
Maybe i am the one who is sensitive
but nevermind
i shall wait till the two great critical thinker examine 1st
and then tell me their opinions
But i do think sometimes
i am really over sensitive
but nevermind
i can have the chance to say what i want
and that is more than enough
i am glad enough to do that
low cost wat
low cost with high gain
i speak something but i get more pleasure than i ever imagine
Thursday, September 10, 2009
at 4.27am
I am here...
writing my blog
so cham
today woke up at 3am
as if this is new
this is kind of new
i am so tired
shall go back to sleep
and wake up at 5 again
not much time of sleep
but at least i get some sleep right?
then i shall sleep again
good night
and yeah
good morning
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Thinking about alot of this today
talk and talk and talk non-stop for 2 hours
seems to be not an serious issues
but all of us do not even know
what had linked us together
and what had just made us face the same problems
the relationship between human and human is such a tough subject to learn in life
and i also realise that
happiness comes so easy by just talking crap and laughing
all the way without caring the image in public or not
thats is the real happiness
such easy
and i really appreciate that
i can laugh now
at last
really so glad
and i really had a wonderful time
If I did not went out with them today, I would have regretted for the whole day
haha..practicing using conditional
tommorow pop quiz..
i guess that the right term to use
Why someone love this colour?
why people link colours with emotions??
was that true and why???
colour is just merely colour isn't it???
just thinking of what the lecturer discussed during the lesson
just interesting huh??
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
I does not even realise i am here
my target
is it my target??
oh no
my target is to reach 1000 post by end of this year...
that means i have around 3 months plus
i do not even know can i reach that figure
but i will try
now is ad 314 post without counting this
everything will be the same as i imagine
and will be same as i plan
do not always worry
laugh is the better medicine than.......
Loss Appetite
how can this happen
but its normal
i guess
happens many times before
i am not that surprised
just that i came so early
not even in the middle of semester
but the starting of the semester
oh god
this is bad
can i consider it that way
Cut my hair again
Thanks to Mr Joel
that he cancel the calculus class
so i have the opportunity to go and have my hair cut again after 5 months
just cutting the fringe and have my hair layered
my hair
seeing all the coloured hair being cut away
so hurt
of the hair
being cut off
sob sob
long time ad
din take pic
one more
enough lah
Monday, September 7, 2009
Having bad headache now
do not know really what happened
really that bad
that i want to knock my head on the wall
After having calculus class
i am really having bad headache
i am so tired of everything now
just feel like sleeping and silence totally
without any sound that can made the headache go worse
feeling even tired of all the classes at the moment
but need to go on as usual
i will move when the headache is gone so that
i can study better
in the sense that
i can concentrate and maek that information
go into my head and stay there
not just pass by
but stay for a long time
all subjects are still very new to me
and need more work and time to understand and major it
had a bad timetable
thats the thing that everyone admit
it is really bad
and i think the worst timetable that i had ever had
since i started studying
what can i do now?
just bare with it
for say it is only around 3 months time
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Is a brand new day again
but i am going back to the centre of psychology again
to have my treatment
i guess thats the right word for me
i did not even think that i will need that
but there is sometimes i need people to talk to also
just to get rid of all the feelings that bother me too much
i also never thought that i will need treatment as i call
just because of all that had happened
thats what i think
normally i can cure my own self
but maybe i am too tired to even cure myself
and cant let everything go on as the way it is
so that is the decision i made
i have to stick with that
so that i am normal again
i do feel better after saying everything out
and there is really no one there going to jugde you
as they themselves also do not know me
thats what feeling better is all about
crying and talking
feeling better
that is what i need
at the moment
after semester 2 started
and everything seems to be back to normal
and i have to re-arrange my mood
Tension is back
why am i here agin
shouldn't i be at the desk reading
I dun care now
i just want to release it here and now
why i had become tension again
when it is tension here
i never sees mr murugan again
he will know the right things to say
that made me feel
well enough to move on
to laugh about everything
and certainly the mood will be enlighten again
miss him so much
miss the time
but its the past again
that i miss
feel so different now
and so difficult
to even be existed in the world
to even accept something
that who knows that will be
principle is what i kept
and will always kept
things change
and i change too
in order to survive
in this world that fulll of competition
and if u fail to adapt
u fail to live in this environment
Tagged again!
1)大名: Cherry
2)生日: 22/08
3)谁传给你的: Jill
2)生日: 22/08
3)谁传给你的: Jill
5)最近压力大的事: 开学了,很多科目很新谈心不可以应付
6)想做的事: 去唱K
8)跟谁出去最幸福+快乐: 朋友
9)如果你的好朋友吵架了,你会怎么做: 好朋友就会说对不起啦!
6)想做的事: 去唱K
8)跟谁出去最幸福+快乐: 朋友
9)如果你的好朋友吵架了,你会怎么做: 好朋友就会说对不起啦!
10)最想和别人去那里: 书店
11)圣诞节想做什么: 看雪
12)最想跟谁庆祝圣诞节: 好朋友
13)最近在做什么: 上课、烦恼
14)有几个兄弟姐妹: 1弟弟,1妹妹
15)最喜欢的一首英文/华文歌: 是歌就可以了
16)喜欢什么颜色: 蓝色
17)上厕所会不会冲水: 当然会啦!卫生起见吗
11)圣诞节想做什么: 看雪
12)最想跟谁庆祝圣诞节: 好朋友
13)最近在做什么: 上课、烦恼
14)有几个兄弟姐妹: 1弟弟,1妹妹
15)最喜欢的一首英文/华文歌: 是歌就可以了
16)喜欢什么颜色: 蓝色
17)上厕所会不会冲水: 当然会啦!卫生起见吗
18)喜欢男还是女生: 男生
19)最想大大声说什么: 啊,好烦哪!
19)最想大大声说什么: 啊,好烦哪!
20)半夜敢不敢上厕所: 为什么不敢?
21)你现在最恨谁: 没有人
22)现在喜欢做什么: 看书和以前一样
23)睡相好不好看: 应该不好吧!
24)现在的时间: 11.12早上
25)是否厌恨传给你这卷子的人: 不会啊!
21)你现在最恨谁: 没有人
22)现在喜欢做什么: 看书和以前一样
23)睡相好不好看: 应该不好吧!
24)现在的时间: 11.12早上
25)是否厌恨传给你这卷子的人: 不会啊!
26)体重多少: 那可是每个女人的秘密!
27)今天天气: 很好
28)如果忙完了你最想做什么: 去喝杯咖啡,看看书
29)失眠后会怎样: 读书咯,不然浪费时间吗?
30)你晚上睡觉会不会尿床: 不会啦!都几岁了
31)你晚上睡觉会不会流口水: 不会
32)你有没有吃过夜宵: 有啊!不是常常
33)近期开心的事: 开学了,没那么无聊
34)自由对你来说重要吗: 当然!无可否认
35)你觉得在朋友当中谁最性感: 哈哈!!不知道。
36)你觉得你比较笨还是聪明: 应该是两者都有吧!
37)你比较喜欢爸爸还是妈妈: 都还好
38)你现在最想看到谁: 沈昌珉!
39)你爱看戏吗: 非常
40)你敢向你讨厌的人说"我恨你吗: 当然敢,为什么不呢?
你打算几时结婚啊: 不知道吧!顺其自然
你喜欢你的生活吗: 还好啦!
相信塔罗牌吗: 信吧!
睡觉前所做的事情: 上厕所
你的偶像: 东方神起
你喜欢的季节: 春夏秋冬都喜欢
最想去的地方: 英国
最讨厌怎样的性格的人: 虚伪,心机重,不靠自己靠别人,等等
你会抽烟吗: 不会!
你会喝酒吗: 会,佳节时间
27)今天天气: 很好
28)如果忙完了你最想做什么: 去喝杯咖啡,看看书
29)失眠后会怎样: 读书咯,不然浪费时间吗?
30)你晚上睡觉会不会尿床: 不会啦!都几岁了
31)你晚上睡觉会不会流口水: 不会
32)你有没有吃过夜宵: 有啊!不是常常
33)近期开心的事: 开学了,没那么无聊
34)自由对你来说重要吗: 当然!无可否认
35)你觉得在朋友当中谁最性感: 哈哈!!不知道。
36)你觉得你比较笨还是聪明: 应该是两者都有吧!
37)你比较喜欢爸爸还是妈妈: 都还好
38)你现在最想看到谁: 沈昌珉!
39)你爱看戏吗: 非常
40)你敢向你讨厌的人说"我恨你吗: 当然敢,为什么不呢?
你打算几时结婚啊: 不知道吧!顺其自然
你喜欢你的生活吗: 还好啦!
相信塔罗牌吗: 信吧!
睡觉前所做的事情: 上厕所
你的偶像: 东方神起
你喜欢的季节: 春夏秋冬都喜欢
最想去的地方: 英国
最讨厌怎样的性格的人: 虚伪,心机重,不靠自己靠别人,等等
你会抽烟吗: 不会!
你会喝酒吗: 会,佳节时间
你常哭吗: 常常啊!哭可是我的朋友
你常笑吗: 是啊!非常常笑啊!
想睡到几点: 自然醒最好吧!
你常笑吗: 是啊!非常常笑啊!
想睡到几点: 自然醒最好吧!
朋友和情人你会选谁: 不知道因为还没遇到这问题
机会+命运你会选谁: 机会
你很自恋吗: 哈哈!好问题!有吧!
你有穿耳洞吗: 有啊
这问卷多不多: 还好啦!答过更多的
喜欢吃冰吗: 喜欢啊!
机会+命运你会选谁: 机会
你很自恋吗: 哈哈!好问题!有吧!
你有穿耳洞吗: 有啊
这问卷多不多: 还好啦!答过更多的
喜欢吃冰吗: 喜欢啊!
现在幸福吗: 还好吧!可能明天会更幸福,谁知道啊?
房间里最重要的东西是什么: 书
没有朋友你会怎么做: 找朋友啊!
如果天使给你实现一个愿望,你想要什么: 天天幸福快乐,就那么简单
房间里最重要的东西是什么: 书
没有朋友你会怎么做: 找朋友啊!
如果天使给你实现一个愿望,你想要什么: 天天幸福快乐,就那么简单
这个问题废吗: 还好
喜欢那个水果: 很多。太多了
最怕人家问你什么: 你现在怎么了
喜欢下雪吗: 当然
最怕人家问你什么: 你现在怎么了
喜欢下雪吗: 当然
下辈子要做什么: 做人
希望再被tag吗: 还好,希望做些比较有意义的
没事做你喜欢等人吗: 还可以
1. 是谁传給你这份问卷的:: Jill
2. 你们认识多久呢:: 3个月吧
3. 你觉得他(她)对你來说很重要吗:: 每个人都是重要的
4. 你与他(她)的关系是::朋友
5. 你觉得他(她)的个性如何::很好啊
6. 请问他(她)的兴趣是:: 不知道
7. 他(她)在你心目中是几分:: 哈?要给分吗?不要啦
1 。被点到必填,不填代表你不尊重传给你的人和问卷
2 。请老实回答每一问题
3 。不能擅自涂改题目
4 。写完请点10 位小朋友,不可以不点
5 。完后请通知那10 位小朋友被点到的小朋友
希望再被tag吗: 还好,希望做些比较有意义的
没事做你喜欢等人吗: 还可以
1. 是谁传給你这份问卷的:: Jill
2. 你们认识多久呢:: 3个月吧
3. 你觉得他(她)对你來说很重要吗:: 每个人都是重要的
4. 你与他(她)的关系是::朋友
5. 你觉得他(她)的个性如何::很好啊
6. 请问他(她)的兴趣是:: 不知道
7. 他(她)在你心目中是几分:: 哈?要给分吗?不要啦
1 。被点到必填,不填代表你不尊重传给你的人和问卷
2 。请老实回答每一问题
3 。不能擅自涂改题目
4 。写完请点10 位小朋友,不可以不点
5 。完后请通知那10 位小朋友被点到的小朋友
who wanna do it just feel free to do it
i very cincai de
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Why suddenly everything become so complicated?
why cant everything be simplify
just like mathematics equation
but life isn't that simply for everyone
is it the test that we should all face
and solve it just to move another step forward?
if not does it mean that we just stand on the ground and
does not improve or moving on?
and the time is just ticking away?
does everything work this way?
how come?
how come?
why there is always so many question behind
simplify it
thats what i shall do
feeling so useless today
do not know how
and why
but haiz
tats the word again
appear again
dun care
lost the hapiness
but found the other
Friday, September 4, 2009
I feel so dehydrated now
after coming back from college
is really having super migrane
as i really lack of water there
and the classes are all so close
it is really back to back and there is like almost no time for water
i think really need to relocate time to drink water leh
using brain too much without letting it refresh will really made the whole brain lack
so H2O is the most important elements now
i shall drink it
as it is
as it is the low cost wat
Semester 2
I was so exhausted today
although today was there for the one and only class
reach there at the same exact time as usual
but kena say by people that i am crazy or insane
but nevermind
thats me
Feeling quite fed up
during micro class
maybe it is new to me as i am really a pure science students
so i need more time to absorb and understand all of these
i really need more work
i also do not know why i feel that way
just that i do not want to get the disappointment again and again
study and study
read and read
this semester is really a killer
no wonder everyone is saying this is the toughest sem ever
but i shall kill him before he kills me
thats the only way to succeed
i really must do that so that it will be worth the money paid
if not it will really be sunk cost ad
semester 2 here i comes
hard work and hard work
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Hard Work
I think i really need some help and more hard work in this semester
all the subjects are really new to me
and guidance is a must and thats what cross my mind now
I do not think pleasure now for me is a big deal anymore
I really want to do this semester with all my best
oh no
not all my best
is that i need to do even more than the best of mine
i need to increase the hardwork and the ability of the best in this semester
i really do not care what price i need to pay after this semester
but i need all the energy and focus now
sickness is totally a no now
for the whole semester
no way i am gonna be sick
i will force myself towards the excellent stage
lots of people can do it
why cant i??
without any reasons and excuses this time
i will never let myself to be out of track now
i think i shall have someone to remind me if i am out of track
relax seems impossible now
all the subjects now need full and total concentration
and i really need to start everything fast and need
before i even have the time to regret if anything goes wrong
i need more reading time than sleeping time now
reading and doing notes now will be the first priority
understanding and full concentration with the help of preparation will really help right?
I must have high self-esteem
I shall never let it low even
Everything is starting
be prepared
and fight for pride and results
For Future
Keep that in mind
For the whole semester
do everything with more than best
thats the new short term motto
Today having 4 classes in a row...such tiring day.......
loss some confident in calculus
shall be better gua
econs too
kind of bad i think
thats only my 1st opinion
but nvm
where is me?
i will never give up so fast de
I shall never give up
except after i concur the subject 1st
I WILL DE!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Why am i lack of words these days
my post is getting shorter and shorter
is that a good thing
or is it that i am totally lack of vocab again
so how
i am so scared that
i will have a post with one word
or better still one line
that i will never fogive myself
for doing that
what will be the punishment
write more
so how?
think before writing
thats impossible
i write with my own freewill
how can i do that
is that why
i am in HELP college??
total crap now
due to highly tension + stress
First Day
thats the only word that i can able to find to express my feelings
totally disaster
and what more
free time?
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
The beginning
Tommorow will be the new beginning
the new page of everything
and i am here anticipate it
feeling my heart beats as it also anxious about the coming of the new day
i hope i will never be disappointed again
lots and lots of things needed to be done
and needed to be done till the best with all my effort and sweats and tears
Sweetness of something does not really come from no where
and i understand that
the taste of sweats and tears
the taste of hapiness and sadness
the taste of frustration and excited-ness
the taste of emo and the moment of gratitude
i will taste them all again
in the new pages
i can say that it will be a new sub title
of the book named
"My Life"
Tommorow will be better than yesterday
I must have faith in myself
I can really made till the top of the world
the tip
and be the tip top
and scan through all the small small details that had happened
as part and parcel of life
as words or paragraph in the book
Today will be the last day of boredom at home
i shall enjoy the boredom
and be prepared to face all the days without boredom
but with stress and high expectation
all together
and work hard
is the only key
and what to say
we cant succeed without that key
so everyone
stand up
and work hard
i shall work hard twice or trice than others
since my standard is still very de low
so how
work hard
i bet on it with my life
things past and people thinks about it
just like i do too
but now at the moment
i feel that there is no need to think about something
that is totally a past
and really do not hope that people
mention about it again
just everything from now on is different
i am different
everything is different
but the world is still the same
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